Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kemi's Top Six Social Media Don'ts

Kemi addresses social media don'ts in this webisode. Nigerians over-abbreviate, fight on social media, take too many selfies...and I thought I'd address these things. OK not just Nigerians. Some non-Nigerian Africans do it too. Enjoy :)

1. Stop insulting people on social media. Stop fighting under posts. Some people then create multiple profiles because they have destroyed their reputation under one. Have fun on social media. Relax. It’s an entertaining platform.

2. Stop dropping useless unrelated comments under posts. Must you say “first to comment” or “first to gboriwole?”

3. Stop taking too many selfies. Especially at work

4. Stop using too many abbreviations. HBD. GGMUB. LLNP. HML. HIV.

5. Please flaunt your relationship symmetrically. "Le boo, Honey of life just bought me earring. #bae said yes. So what if she said no? Tell me that too! Make your openness balanced! If una wan open fowl yarnsh, expose am completely.

6. Proofread your posts before sharing with the public. You post error-filled statuses and you look very silly.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Attitudes to Drop in 2015

1. Pessimism. Negativity. No matter how many good things people do or want to do, pessimists always find a way to put it down.

Scenario: "Oh I just bought a car." Then, out of nowhere:"meeeen did u read about that fatal car accident?" 

Really? You wanna talk about a fatal car accident right now?? I empathize with the victims, but your timing is very awkward. Americans call you "Debbie Downer." Someone who frequently adds bad news and negative feelings to a gathering, thus bringing down the mood of everyone around them. They don't see anything good in any situation or person.

2. Don't be a bandwagon jumper -- "everyone is doing it." You will do anything as long as you can point to a few other people who have done it. You put little or no thought at all in the things you do. If Nicki Minaj is wearing it, you must wear it. If Kim K is rocking it, you must rock it as well. You have no mind of your own and of course reach for more than you can pull. Brazillian hair. Check. Malaysian hair. Check. And you can’t afford these things.

3. Don't be Judgmental. Brother Kunle entered  Sister Titi’s room at 10pm yesterday and didn’t come out until 6am this morning. We must therefore stone Sister Titi. First of all, why are you stalking them? Second, why are you judging them?

4. Don't be proud (I’m better than everyone else). You are better than the rest of us in every way imaginable and there's nothing we can do to change that fact. You drive a lexus, a mercedes benz, and an escalade. You only enter first class. So the rest of us in economy, we should go and die??

5. Don't be a chameleon. We don’t know your true color or true calling. You adapt to every situation because you are desperate. You become a pretender. At church on Sunday you are in the choir. You are at the mosque on Friday too! On Monday night you are at the red light district.

6. Don't be overly religious. If person "do" mistake listen to Davido’s song, the person has sinned. If person watch Cameron Diaz movie, hell fire!! There's a difference between religion and faith o. Please don't get those two mixed up.

7. Don't be an "I don’t want to lose my culture” person. To you, eating pizza is a sin. We must eat amala for breakfast. Semo for lunch. Ekuru for dinner. We must travel back home once a month. Please why bother to come to America???

8. Don't be a party freak. Everyday, turn up. You’re always available. Graduation party, you. Wedding party, you. Funeral, you. Naming ceremony, you. Coronation of the Awujale of Ijebuland, you. Eyo masquerade, you will carry.

9. Don't be a social media freak. Instagram is your private diary. "I just woke up. I’m going to the bathroom. My husband just hugged me. I’m drinking water. I’m balling. I’m going to the gym." REALLY???

10. Don't be overly knowledgeable. You know the exact date and time the cold war started and ended. And if someone doesn't know the name of the president of Burma, he/she will become a nonentity in your eyes.As far as you are concerned, pi is not just 3.142, pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510