African time. Colored People's Time (CPT). We've all heard about these labels. Why? Why do Africans dignify their lateness by calling it a name?
On my second webisode, I discuss five annoying habits of African Immigrants in the U.S. (or maybe also in Canada, U.K., Australia, or any other Western country Africans go to these days). Here are some of our bad habits that I address:
1. Pathological lateness
2. Asking people to take things home for you and/or bring things from home when you go visit.
3. African immigrants (men) telling African immigrants (women) to date them for green card and/or citizenship.
4. The "my wife must be a slave mentality."
5. Interracial relationships
As usual, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Live. Love. Laugh.
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